School Counselor Cover Letter: Examples & Templates to Fill

A kid’s world can be lonely. Kids can be cruel, and adults seem from another planet. With this school counselor cover letter, you will be a warm memory in the minds of many.

Dave Rygielski Career Expert

School Counselor Cover Letter: Examples & Templates to Fill

Misunderstood, neglected, abused. Distant, disorganized, dramatic. Living in the past. Fearful of the future.

That’s what your school counselor cover letter must be if you aren’t getting replies yet. Something is going wrong. Most cover letters fall into traps that can easily be avoided, and tank your chances right away. Here’s a guide to navigate this landscape.

In this guide:

Save hours of work and get a cover letter like this. Pick a template, fill it in. Quick and easy. Choose from 18+ cover letter templates and download your cover letter now.

school counselor cover letter example

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I had an interview yesterday and the first thing they said on the phone was: “Wow! I love your cover letter.”

I love the variety of templates. Good job guys, keep up the good work!

My previous cover letter was really weak and I used to spend hours adjusting it in Word. Now, I can introduce any changes within minutes. Absolutely wonderful!

Looking for a different teaching-related cover leter sample? Check out these:

School Counselor Cover Letter Samples

The first one comes from Brian. He is writing a school counselor cover letter for a position which requires the full-spectrum of student services and casework activities. He draws on plenty of experience and metrics to make his point.

Example #1: Experienced School Counselor Cover Letter

school counselor cover letter example

Example #1: Experienced School Counselor Cover Letter—Text Sample

Brian S. Sanders

Michigan State Certified School Counselor

508 Prudence Street

Southfield, MI 48075

Southfield, January 26, 2021

Southfield Middle School

Southfield, MI 48075

I was pleased to learn about the available school counselor position at Southfield Middle School. In addition to my Bachelor of Psychology and Master’s Degree in Psychotherapy, I have 10+ years of experience working as a school counselor. My mediation and career counseling courses increase my value as an employee, and have helped 2000+ students over the years of my work. I am confident I can transfer my skill set to benefit the wellbeing and performance of students at Southfield Middle School.

Throughout my previous school counselor positions, I was providing individual and group support for students aged 14-19, regarding career counseling, academic achievements, mental and physical health, as well as mediation sessions. I also helped students after suffering trauma, regularly providing them with therapeutic sessions. Each year, 40+ students benefited from this type of trauma assistance. Together with the Streetwise charity, I created a helpline for local young people in crisis, which during the first year helped at least 400 school-aged children. Due to the introduction of mediation workshops for students and anti-violence initiatives at school, the problem of aggression among students has significantly decreased. Comparing statistics from three years ago to the current situation, the number of reported bullying cases decreased by 74%. I received over $200,000 from various state and private funds to enable students in need to progress their academic career.

Thanks to my resourcefulness and 10+ years of experience, I am convinced that I meet all your requirements for the position of School Counselor at Southfield Middle School. Joining your school community could be a great opportunity for development for your students as well as for me as a psychologist and therapist in a larger school than my last.

When would be a good time to discuss how I can introduce meditation techniques to benefit the maximum number of students at Southfield Middle?

Brian S. Sanders

Brain is obviously an expert in his field, and has the metrics and achievements to back it up. He will blow the competition out of the water.

Everyone has to start somewhere, however, so here’s a school counselor cover letter sample with no experience. Nancy is fresh out of college with a degree in Education and Psychology. She hopes to put her theoretical knowledge and fiery initiative to use at Milwaukee High School.

Here’s her school counselor cover letter.