United Airlines Customer Property Claim Form

Use this Customer Property Claim Form if you have had any issues with your checked property (usually luggage) during a flight with United Airlines. This could be anything from lost baggage to damaged items.

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United Airlines Claim PDF Details

Before filling out this UA luggage claim form, there are several things you should be aware of:

1. You need to complete and return this claim form as quickly as possible, because United Airlines' ability to locate your lost property is largely dependent on the information you provide. If you do not return the form within 45 days, the airline is no longer responsible for your claim.

2. In addition to this form, you should also provide your copy of the flight ticket or ticket receipt, original proof of purchase for items valued at $100 USD or more, your baggage claim checks, and possibly other documents, such as an excess value receipt if you declared a value above the standard liability limit at check-in.

3. Once you have completed the form, you need to mail or fax it to United Airlines' Baggage Resolution Service Center in Houston, Texas.

Form NameUnited Airlines Customer Property Claim Form
Form Length3 pages
Fillable fields212
Avg. time to fill out21 min 36 sec
Other namesunited airlines reimbursement form, claim united, how to united airline claim, united airlines reimbursement claim form

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Customer Property Claim Form


Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you have been caused by the delay of your checked property. To assist us with your claim, please complete and return this form.

While our efforts to locate your property continue, it is of the utmost importance to promptly complete this claim form and return it to us as soon as possible. The most intensive phase of tracing is based on the information provided on this claim form. In the event you fail to return the completed claim form within 45 days, no action shall lie against United Airlines. The claim form should be completed in its entirety with a detailed description of each individual item contained within the bag(s), or the items missing from the baggage, including signatures from all persons impacted. If your claim involves more than one bag, please itemize each bag and its contents separately. The accuracy of the information you provide enhances our ability to locate your property through our tracing efforts. Failure to include requested information may affect the processing of your claim.

In addition, please include the following items in addition to this signed form to assist in processing your claim:

• Customer copy of the light ticket, or ticket receipt

• Original proof of purchase for items valued at $100 USD or higher

• Baggage claim checks

• Excess value receipt, if excess value was declared at check in

• For interim expense reimbursement, receipts are required for all items purchased

• European customers, please include bank name and address, account name and ABA/Chips number

• Clear and legible copy of driver’s license or other government issued photo ID for each person on claim.

Important: Please retain copies of all documents you send to us, for your records.

Notice of Baggage Liability Limits

For domestic travel between points within the United States (except for domestic portions of interna- tional journeys), United’s liability for loss of, damage to, or delay in delivery of a passenger’s checked baggage is limited to $3,300 per ticketed passenger, unless a higher value is declared in advance and appropriate charges are paid. In accordance with 14 CFR Part 382, the above limit of liability does not apply for loss, damage or delay of wheelchairs or other assistive devices. Excess value may not be declared on certain types of articles. United assumes no liability for high value, fragile, or perishable items carried in connection with domestic travel. For a complete list of excluded items, see the terms in our Contract of Carriage or at our website, united.com.

For international travel to which the Warsaw Convention applies, liability for loss, delay, or damage to baggage is limited to $20 per kilogram (approximately $9.07 per pound) up to $640, and $400 per passenger for unchecked baggage.

For international travel to which the Montreal Convention applies, liability for loss, delay, or damage is limited to 1,131 SDR per passenger for baggage, whether checked or unchecked. Exchange rates are available at www.IMF.org.

Customer Property Claim Form


Personal and light information, please type or print legibly

File reference number

Baggage Claim Check Nos.

Business Street Address

Total Bags Checked

Total Bags Lost

Number of Passengers

MileagePlus or Frequent Flyer

Was your bag last seen?

Did you declare and

Where did you check your baggage?

pay for higher value?

Ticket Counter________ Curbside_______ Other_________

If yes, were you

City and Airline who handled

Reason for Reroute

given a different

Did you attempt to

At what UA office did you report

Has loss been reported to another airline?

claim baggage as

soon as you arrived?

If yes, please give airline and city where reported:

Have you or members of your household ever filed a claim before

If yes, Airline(s)__________________________________

this one with any airline(s) for baggage loss, damage, or pilferage?

Certiication and understanding

The United States Post Ofice has investigative jurisdiction under federal laws relating to sending false or fraudulent claims through the United States mails. Any such claims received by United Airlines are reported to US Postal authorities.

I do hereby promise the foregoing statement and those on all accompanying forms and supporting documents to be accurate, complete, true and I hereby make a claim against United Airlines in the

for loss occurring on

Requires signature of each customer claiming lost property.

Customer Property Claim Form

Baggage description and contents listing


List contents separately if more than one

Initials, Marks, Labels, or other Exterior Identification. List name of any person(s) which may be on documents, papers, etc.

Description of contents: If claim is for more than 1 customer, please indicate ownership of items. Gender: M= Male, F= Female, CH=Child, INF= infant yrs.)

Qty Article/Item Size

Description, Color, Material, Brand Label

If additional space is needed, please attach separate paper with same data as above

Total value of □ bag and

Include the following items with your claim

• Passenger ticket receipts for each person involved in this loss

• Baggage claim checks

• Excess value receipt, if applicable

• Interim Expense Reimbursement receipts

• Copy of driver’s license or other government issued photo ID for each person in the claim Include original proof of purchase for items valued at $100 or higher

Mail or fax to: United Airlines, Inc.

Baggage Resolution Service Center 611 Lockhaven Drive

Houston, TX 77073 Phone

How to Edit United Airlines Customer Property Claim Form Online for Free

The PDF editor that you can go with was developed by our number one web developers. You may create the united airlines reimbursement claim form document immediately and conveniently with this app. Simply comply with this instruction to get started.

Step 1: Choose the button "Get Form Here" on this site and press it.

Step 2: The form editing page is currently available. It's possible to add text or update present details.

To be able to complete the document, type in the data the program will ask you to for each of the next sections:

stage 1 to filling out claim united

Note the details in Excess Bag Yes Yes Fee Paid Excess, Did you declare and Yes Yes pay, At what UA office did you report, Yes Yes No No, Where did you check your baggage, Has loss been reported to another, If yes Airlines Dates If yes, Complete itinerary From From, To To, Flight Flight, Date Date, Yes Yes No No Complete Itinerary, Certiication and understanding, Certification and Understanding, and I do hereby promise the foregoing.

step 2 to completing claim united

Put down the vital information while you're on the Customer Signature, Date, Customer Signature, and Date part.

Completing claim united stage 3

The List contents separately if more, Type of Bag, Color of Bag, Manufacturer, Date Purchased, Original Cost, Initials Marks Labels or other, Description Color Material Brand, Size, Where Purchased, Date Purchased, Original Cost, and Gender M F CH INF box will be your place to place the rights and obligations of each party.

stage 4 to completing claim united

Look at the sections If additional space is needed, Include the following items with, Include the following items with, Reminders, Total value of bag and contents, Passenger ticket receipts for, Baggage claim checks, Passenger ticket receipts for each, Excess value receipt if applicable, Interim Expense Reimbursement, Copy of drivers license or other, Include original proof of purchase, Mail or fax to, United Airlines Inc, and Baggage Resolution Service Center and next fill them in.

claim united If additional space is needed, Include the following items with, Include the following items with, Reminders, Total value of bag and contents, Passenger ticket receipts for, Baggage claim checks, Passenger ticket receipts for each, Excess value receipt if applicable, Interim Expense Reimbursement, Copy of drivers license or other, Include original proof of purchase, Mail or fax to, United Airlines Inc, and Baggage Resolution <a href=Service Center fields to fill" width="" height="" />

Step 3: Hit the "Done" button. Finally, you can export the PDF document - upload it to your electronic device or send it through email.

Step 4: Come up with a copy of each form. It will save you some time and permit you to prevent issues later on. Keep in mind, the information you have is not shared or viewed by us.