The Short-Form Contract for Long-Form Television Dashboard Dashboard

As a companion to the WGA Standard Contract for Theatrical Motion Pictures, there's now a WGA Standard Contract created specifically for movies of the week, movies for television and miniseries.

This short-form contract can help with the following:

This contract can be tailored to reflect the negotiated terms of any writing services contract you negotiate. We encourage you to use it in place of deal memos or those quickly jotted notes you write to confirm the terms just negotiated. Using this contract can and will make your life easier both at the time the deal is negotiated and in those unfortunate instances when a dispute arises at a later time. We believe this contract can help get writers paid sooner, reduce disputes over contract language and eliminate the inclusion of unexpected and unwelcome provisions that too often are discovered after a contract is signed.

This contract is not intended to constitute legal advice, but is offered by the Guild as an aid to ensure prompt written confirmation of agreed-upon terms, the timely delivery of contracts and, therefore, timely payment to the writer. The WGA Basic Agreement requires Companies to deliver contracts within specific time frames following agreement on major deal points and/or commencement of services (generally within two to three weeks.) In the event the Company fails to deliver a contract within the MBA time limits after agreement on the major deal points, this form contract may be used to confirm the deal with the Company. If you have any questions, call the WGAW Contracts Department at (323) 782-4501.

Please check the Guild's website periodically for updated versions.

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