Dena bank new cheque book request form

A cheque book is issued to you by the bank; it is a book of cheques which is used to sign an amount so that the beneficiary can use it to withdraw cash from their nearest bank. All the information regarding the transaction is recorded by the bank when someone uses the cheque signed by you to withdraw the amount. It is always better to use a cheque for making huge payments, however one should be careful while filling in all the details. You will have to write a letter to your bank if you want to issue a cheque book. If you also want to write a cheque book request letter to your bank or want to apply for a new cheque book, read this article till the end to know the process.

Cheque Book Request Letter Format

1. Address

The sender’s and the receiver’s addresses should be mentioned in the cheque book request letter. Always remember to check if the address is correct. The receiver’s address will be added after the date in the letter.

2. Date

The date is one of the most important things when you write the request letter. It will record the data.

3. Salutation

The salutations while writing the cheque book request letter should be formal. You have to maintain a formal and polite tone throughout the letter. You can use phrases like ‘Hello Madam/Sir’ or ‘Ma’am/Sir’ in the salutation.

4. Subject

The subject of the cheque book request letter will have one line about the purpose of your letter. It is important to make the subject precise and short.

5. Main body

The main body of your cheque book request letter should be precise and to the point. You will have to start the letter with your introduction and why you are writing this application. In the main body, you have to request the recipient to avail the cheque book. In conclusion, you can add that you have added the required documents or ask which documents are required. In the end, you can thank the recipient and then end the main body content.

6. Signature

The signature in the cheque book request letter will be at the end. You can use ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours faithfully’ as signatures and then add your name under it.

Cheque Book Request Letter Samples

The samples of the cheque book request letter will help you to understand the structure of the letter more clearly. The format helps too, but looking at the samples will tell you how to write the letter.

Cheque Book Request Letter Sample 1

3/27, Sea Wes Apartments

The Branch Manager

State Bank of India

S B Road Branch

Subject: Request Letter for Cheque Book

I am Ishita Bele, and I hold a savings account with account no: 0246xxxxxxxxxx56 in your bank. I am writing this letter to request you to issue me a single cheque book of 100 leaves or two cheque books of 50 leaves each.

I have attached the copies of my Aadhar card and address proof for your verification along with this letter.

I hope you kindly consider my request and do the needful.